
Year of graduation from 热博体育官网: 2008年获护理学学士学位

其他学位/证书: Not yet, but my goal is to become a midwife, which will require a 理学硕士 in Nursing.

专业特色: 就在九年前毕业后, I took a job at Memorial Medical Center in the tiny town of Port Lavaca, 德州, 在墨西哥湾附近. 我知道我想成为L&D护士, but it’s difficult for new graduates to start there, so I worked with a recruiter to find the right place. My plan was to complete a one-year contract and return to Ohio for my career. 然而, the best part of 德州 is that it’s where I met my husband, so I decided to stay and have worked in L&D at Detar Women and Children’s Center in Victoria, 德州, for the past seven years. We now have two little girls; our oldest is three and was born by C-section, 最小的11周大, born by VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section). I feel so privileged to have personally experienced both types of birth, 因为我觉得这有助于我成为一个更强大的L&我是病人的护士.

What is your hometown and where do you currently live? I grew up in Westerville, Ohio, and have lived in Victoria, 德州, for nine years.

When did you first feel the call to be a nurse? From the time I was very young I’ve always loved babies and birth. My parents were foster parents who adopted my twin sister and me. There were always lots of babies around and my older siblings have tons of babies, so it was the perfect environment for someone with a calling to be a midwife one day.

What television shows do you have to DVR every week? 当然是PBS的《热博体育官网》!

What is your favorite memory of Mount Carmel? 我有两个. My first is that I worked really hard and practically begged to get one of the two spots available on the L&D旋转. I’ll never forget the first birth I observed because I was so excited to be there and learning about what was the start of a great passion for me. My second is about how nurtured and cared for I felt by members of the staff and faculty. 我永远不会忘记Mrs. Kathy Espy’s door was always open and how hard she worked to help me get scholarships; Dr. Shirley Cooley was such a great encourager and a role model – she really got me ready for the wide world of nursing. I’ll always be very grateful to them both.

What book is currently on your nightstand (or at the top of your Kindle favorites)? 欧蓝德.

How has your Mount Carmel network helped you in your life, personally or professionally or both? This is really amazing, but my networking with alumni started while I was still at the College. 我哥哥的婆婆, Joan “Josie” Glaub Moro was a September 1947 graduate of Mount Carmel School of Nursing. She worked more than 30 years in the OR and in L&D at Mount Carmel before she passed at age 88 in 2015. She was the first person who mentioned Mount Carmel to me and we often chatted about her days at “The Mount.” Of course, she encouraged me to attend and she even came to my pinning ceremony.

What advice would you like to share with other nurses as they move from student to alumni of Mount Carmel? Never stop learning: Don’t get too comfortable and always strive to learn more so that you can be a better nurse for your patients. Have an open mind and be kind to new nurses – we were all new at one time.




scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


2023 NCLEX-RN通过率

